So finally... my blog is up! It's been crazy these past couple of weeks, now that school has started and everything. I'm actually not getting much business, which is a sad thing. I'm kind of at a low point. I'm STILL editing my website... and I thank the Lord everyday for Miss Becca Yager for helping me and putting up with my questions! Haha, but really... I am so thankful for everyone who has helped me through these past couple of years of photography. I am eternally grateful! I have come so far. From little Sony's to nice Canons to HUGE Nikons... I have loved every second of my photography obsession. It's been a crazy ride. I've had a tough four years throughout high school, but photography has really helped me become the person I am today. Yeah, it sounds cheesy! Ha! But it's the truth!
Thank you Becca Yager and Renee Bouldin. You have inspired me so much!
Thank you WCHS Yearbook Staff. You guys make me feel so confident about my work!
Thank you Mom and Dad, for supporting me through all this craziness.
Thank you Hannah and Nikole, for putting up with me when we do shoots. You guys are my favorite models!
Thank you Amanda Cantrell, for being my best friend and modeling for me.
Thank you Mrs. Hawkins, for being the best teacher EVER on the yearbook staff and giving me encouragement.
Thank you Lady Gaga, for being my editing music! Ha!
And..... Last, but not least, thank you Derik Hobbs, for making this summer the best summer of my life. It really helped me. It did.
All of you guys have given me such passion and encouragement! I love you all! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.